How Long Jumping Spiders Live-[With Detail Explanation, Facts, and more]

Welcome To Petsglocal, If you are here that implies that Jumping spiders has fascinated you. If you are thinking of having a Jumping spider as a Pet. stick around because in this post we’ll provide you with Data and Facts base Information about Jumping spiders so you know what it takes to have them as pets.

The existence of Jumping spiders on earth goes back 54 to 42 Million years ago known from the finding of Fossils. Jumping Spiders belong to the Salticidae family Which consists of 13% of spider species there are more than 5,000 species found to date On Six continents and many are still unknown of which 300 are found in the United States. There are many variations in colors, shapes, and sizes(Mostly the size of your fingertip).

Jumping spiders as pets are easy to care for, Intelligent, and adaptive to a new environment, above all this, they are fun to watch creatures.


All species mostly have many common traits and needs, they have a commonality in Lifespan, Diet, and Nature. From suggestions here you can know what it takes to have Jumping spiders of any species as pets. You can buy them or can find them easily in your backyard or on curtains in your home.

How Long Jumping Spiders Live 

In the wild Jumping spiders lives up to a year. This change in captivity where The Life expectancy of the Jumping spider is Up to Two years and with proper care some spiders had a life of Three years (On record longest lived jumping spider was three years old). 

Males have shorter life spans than females Jumping spiders. As their age increases you will notice a decrease in their Acrobatic Jumping activities Which is a threat to their life as this results in them getting prey of Wasps, Lizards, Flies, etc., or because of health issues they have short lifespans in general.

What do Jumping Spiders Eat?

To make it possible for your jumping spider to live a long and healthy life you should provide them with a Proper diet and a suitable Environment JS are generally carnivorous and many of them have nectar included in their diet you can give them honey mix with water there is a higher chance of your jumping friend loving it also Feed them wingless fruit flies, dubia roaches, house flies, small mealworms. Some Jumping spiders eat ants as a primary item of their diet they have special tactics to hunt ants. None of them is fed on fruit or seeds.

Baby Spider (spiderling)Feed them 2-3 fruit flies per day.
Young SpiderFeed them Twice their size prey(Bigger Insects).
Sub-Adult SpiderOnly eats every 3-8 days. 
Adult SpiderFeeds them every 5-10 days
Feeding chart as per age of jumping spiders
Jumping spider eating prey

How to Make a Suitable Environment for Jumping Spiders

The Ideal size enclosure for a jumping spider is 1 gallon it can be of glass or plastic tank which provides them enough space for jumping and movement. the enclosure must be properly packed and placed in a safe place so they are safe from predators. Clean it Regularly this help in keeping them healthy and Out of danger from bacteria’s. You can add small branches into the tank so they are active and Add a shallow vessel of water into their tank. This kind of proper care helps to increase the life of the jumping spider. It can be up to 3 years and after having a good life with you when they are gone you can return them to earth bury them and grow a plant on it to always remember your great memories with them.

Most common pet jumping spiders

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