Hi, Being here indicates that you are a proud cat owner and that too If you have a female feline who is between 4 to 6 months old plus she is showing unusual behavior this can be because the cat is in the heat cycle and has attended sexual maturity Implying she can be pregnant if allowed to mate. Cats go into heat every two to three weeks and the duration of the cycle can be from Six days to some weeks. Heat occurs between the months of February and October and Happens to be Multiple times in a year.
To avoid a heat cycle you can spay your cat, your vet may have previously advised you to spay your cat before its first heat cycle (Before 5 months of age) If heat cycle is going then also you can spay your cat for this consider your vet recommendation. There is another benefit of spaying a cat: it eliminates diseases of the Uterus, Ovaries, and Testes. If not spayed there are some proven home remedies to make your cat calm and relaxed this will give your cat happy days in the heat cycle. These remedies will provide stability in disruptive behavior.
Symptoms of Cat in Heat
When cats are in the heat there are some symptoms you can know through are they in heat or not by shift in their behaviors. That may worry you, be relaxed and apply all remedies as specified.
Let’s Check the behavior of a cat in heat.
- Increased vocalization (Which are mating calls).
- Increased affection (Rubbing up against people and objects).
- Spraying urine (Marking territory). * Keep the litter box clean on a regular basis.
- May exhibit Anxiety or aggressiveness.
- Mating posture: head down, forelegs bent, rear-raised, and tail elevated to the side.
Home remedies for cats in heat.
I have come up with the top 8 most effective home remedies for your cat when in the heat cycle to relax them and relived them from stress, anxiety, and other behavior changes.
1]. Massage Therapy for Cats in Heat (To Relax Them)
Massage therapy is one of the best ways to relax cats in heat. They are going to enjoy this time. Massage will have a calming effect, if the cat is aggressive throughout the hit cycle do apply this therapy for positive change. Conducting this therapy yourself because Petting Pets is enjoyable for them since it helps them feel good as well as relaxing and comforting them.
Every cat has its comfort corner at the house Take your cat there and make their experience comfortable by placing them on a soft surface.
Then start with Light patting on fur with comfy pressure. After some minutes start applying pressure with light hands-on the cat’s ears, face, and legs this will have a calming impact and assist in relieving symptoms of heat. Turn the cat on its back then gently stretch the legs and tail to reduce tension this will increase circulation in muscle strain.
All these massage sessions can have an impact on the cat but there can be some cats not willing to show a Positive response so kindly adjust as per the reaction of the cat starting with small sessions and when they are habituated give massage for 5 to 10 minutes a day.
2]. Catnip Effects on Cat in Heat
Also referred to as Catmint this is a species of the genus Nepeta, catnip is a member of the mint family. Only 7/10 cats will be affected by catnip because this is a gene and hereditary dependent. When the cat comes in contact with catnip you will see behavior change and the cat will calm down. The effect will remain for ten minutes and for later one hour cat remain relaxed. If your cat comes in the remaining 3 cats we have many more remedies for you to check and apply from them.
3]. Synthetic Cat Pheromone to Use When Cat in Heat
When in heat a cat is highly susceptible to stress and anxiety to prevent this using pheromones can have a relaxing result. Pheromone is used in a three-way spray, diffuser, and collar that emits odor to calm down the cat and also discourages spraying urine when in heat. The scent is similar to when produced naturally by cats.
Need to adjust the dosage of pheromones according to the response of the cat. Use Pheromones with the direction of a veterinarian.
4]. Music Therapy for Cats
We all love to hear music when under stress, and so do cats. For cats, there is different music from the one we like. Music that corresponds with sounds used by cats to communicate Like purring and meowing. This music is easily available on the internet and other than this cats love to hear classical music created in preference to cats in mind. In heat or in general, music therapy can be used to reduce stress and anxiety or stimulate your feline.
For cats, there are two types of music:
- Calming music (to reduce stress): This music has a low tone, slower beat, and tiniest instrumentation. Eg- Chopin piano music to relax your cat.
- Enriching music (to stimulate): This is the opposite of calming music. Eg- Lively Bach flute sonata, to stimulate cats to play and jump is not that much useful when a cat is in heat other than this time you can use this music.
Cats In the heat, sometimes are anxious so play calming music for an hour a day for positive results.
5]. L-theanine
The amino acid present in tea leaves known as L-theanine has a relaxing effect and helps to manage stress-related behavior. The impact can be seen in a few days of use and for the full effect, it will take a week or ten days. If you are thinking of breeding your cat do not use this remedy. L-theanine-based oral supplements need to be given under the supervision or recommendation of a veterinarian.
6]. Valerian For Cats in Heat-(and additional Herbs)
Valerian is a lovely purple-flowered plant that has a mild sedative effect and relaxes muscles after using valerian; cats will be calm and even have a lovely sleep; this must make your cat happy. This herb is safe for kittens only condition provided it is in the right quantity. Valerian is the perfect alternative for cats non-affected by catnip. You can give the cat it in two ways either orally or aromatically (spray it).
Some other herbs you can use:
- Chamomile (This has anti-anxiety properties helps in relaxation and reduces stress)
- Hops (This herb has calming effects. Dried flowers are more effective)
- Lavender (Helps to reduce restlessness and agitation)
- Sandalwood (Reduce restlessness and agitation. You can diffuse it in the air or use it in form of oil for a message)
Herbs are available in four forms: Tinctures, dried flowers or leaves, essential oil, and tea.
If your cat has any medical difficulties, you should consult with your veterinarian before administering any stimulant.
7]. Bach Rescue Remedy
This flower essence has an immediate effect on relieving stress and anxiety. This is purely not a herb then too it’s highly recommended to be used in tension-reducing. Make sure to buy an alcohol-free version of Fluffy.
8]. Homeopathic Remedies for Cats in Heat
Homeopathy is a form of medicine that is prepared in a special way to be used in a minimal amount which treats and prevent diseasies.
Lachesis | Helps to reduce the feeling of being overwhelmed. |
Pulsatilla | Is Used to reduce the feeling of fear and anxiety. |
Lavender hydrolase | As hydrosol is soft, calming, relaxing, and antimicrobial you can use it. |
Will this Remedies work on all cats similarly?
Nope! You may have noticed that we made a special effort to include phrases like “can” and “may” because not all cats are affected by the same remedies, so selecting the right one for your cat will demonstrate your affection for her. As this is time committing task.
If your cat’s behavior suddenly changes which is common in heat cycle, after trying home cures you should consider taking a cat to your veterinarian.